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The editorial team warmly welcome Mrs. Professor Lena Dominelli, and Mr. Professor Malcolm Payne, two prominent internationally social work personalities who have kindly accepted to be part of our journal’s International Advisory Board starting with issue no. 1/2010.
Review is indexed in ProQuest,EBSCO, Social Works Abstracts, CEEOL,Index Copernicus,SCIPIO,GESIS,IBSS and ERIH+

Review is accredited B+ by CNCSIS

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Articles by keyword: Sexual debut

Contribuţia debutului sexual şi a comportamentelor de risc pentru sănătate asupra reuşitei la bacalaureat a adolescenţilor din România
Cristina Faludi , Csaba L. Dégi, Maria Roth, Sergiu Raiu, Mihai-Bogdan Iovu, Paul Teodor Hărăguş, Agnes Dávid-Kacsó, Corina Voicu, Anna Vincze

Risky Sexual Debut and its Implications on Pregnancy and Abortion among Adolescents in Cluj-Napoca
Andreea-Elena Răscolean , Cristina Faludi , Alexandra Talpă